After Action Report – 2nd Bn/8th Bde – BTX 5 MAY 2018
On Saturday 5 May 2018 units of the 2/8, 4/8 and 3/8 and members of the Missouri 3% and Missouri Patriots participated in a Brigade Training Exercise organized by members of the 2/8 MO Militia.
The location was the Everton training site and time was 0900 to 1800.
There were 19 patriots present.
The goal was to run through a number of force on force scenarios in preparation for the upcoming JTX June 22-24. Blanks were used as simulators of rifle fire.
There were a number of late cancellations as the estimated attendance was originally 30.
The first scenario involved setting up and securing a FOB. A team of 5 men was sent outside the FOB to act as a OPFOR. The goal of the OPFOR was to observe the FOB and take necessary actions based on any activity inside or outside the FOB.
I was assigned as the team leader for the OPFOR Capt Willis and Capt Gibson were to run the FOB and assign security detail, a QRF and any patrol team they deemed necessary. Comms were controlled by each side and Capt Willis and I stayed in contact throughout the scenario.
The OPFOR exited the FOB at around 1030. We moved approx 350 meters SW of the FOB location. We set up a LP/OP and observed the surrounding areas of the FOB for 3 hours. At around 1230 we observed a patrol team outside of the FOB heading South along the creek located West of the FOB. We heard some weapons being discharged and assumed it was friendly fire on the BLUFOR side or a diversion by them. After 30 minutes we moved the team to 100 m NW of the FOB. Captain Willis then contacted me and wanted to know how much longer we wanted to continue. I told him 20 to 30 min. We decided to assault the FOB, more as a test on the FOB security rather than a successful attack on our part. We divided our team into two small teams of 3 and 2. We had alpha hit from the NE side and bravo wait and hit from the NW side once the FOB security reacted to alpha team. We moved in, executed the assault, engaged the enemy and the security teams of the FOB were able to repel the attack. Great lessons for both sides.
After the first scenario we decided to repeat an attack on the FOB. We switched up the teams an those who were in the OPFOR were now defending the FOB and vice versa. This second exercise started at 1500 A team of 6 men left the FOB and were to run through a attack on the FOB. This gave everyone the opportunity to experience both sides of the force on force scenarios. The OPFOR team divided into two teams of 2 and 4. Alpha attacked with 2 guys from the NW to draw out our QRF. Our QRF of 3 guys responded at the same time the 4 man bravo team assaulted the FOB from the West. They had to cross an open area which made them easy targets for our guys laying prone inside the wooded area that they were attempting to assault. Once again the defenders of the FOB were able to resist the assault. The exercise ended at 1630.
The text book lesson that you should not attack a defensive position unless you have a 2 to 3 or better ratio was experienced first hand. What was also learned was that whether you are in a LP/OP or holding a defensive position inside a FOB you should be prepared for a lot of waiting.
At 1700 we proceeded to eat a meal of fish and fries provided by the 4/8 and cooked by 1SGT Barker. We broke camp at 1800.
Overall the BTX was a success. We accomplished what we needed to do in one day's activities without having to set up a full camp over night. There were a few that stayed over Friday night and that was an option for anyone. The force on force scenarios lasted longer than forecast but they may have been because we had a smaller group. Blanks give some realism factor but paintball or air soft would make it a certainty if you were truly hit or not. Local units should look into that option as a test for a future JTX or BTX.
Lt R B